The Mirin Medical Practice

3 Glasgow Road, Paisley PA1 3QS

Freedom of Information Act & Data Protection

Practice NHS business information is available on request from the Practice Manager. We have adopted the model scheme from the SGPC and will update you with any further information when available.

We comply with the GDPR Guidelines and other sources of guidance on privacy and data confidentiality and we take this duty very seriously. If you wish to restrict access to your notes in some way please contact our Practice Manager/Practice Administrator. Please note that we will maintain confidentiality in all aspects of your medical care wherever possible.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and Access to Health Records Act, patients may request to see their medical records. Such requests should be made through the Practice Manager, Frances Woods, either in writing or email your request to

Please include your name and date of birth on this request. It is also a good idea, if required, to state the dates of the records you wish. E.g. From 2001 – 2020.

Alternatively complete this form below and it will come to us via email automatically.

Subject Access request – Request for copies of my medical records