The Mirin Medical Practice

3 Glasgow Road, Paisley PA1 3QS

Clinics & Services

Cervical Smears

Every woman is advised to have a cervical smear carried out. Changes to screening intervals in Scotland In March 2020, the routine screening interval for women and anyone with a cervix aged 25 to 49 changed from 3 years to 5 years. This change happened at the same time as HPV testing was introduced in Scotland. This is a quick, painless procedure, which tests for the early warning signs of cervical cancer. If abnormalities are found at an early stage they can be easily treated. Smear tests are usually carried out by the Practice Nurse.

Management of Chronic Diseases

The practice sister, practice nurse and healthcare assistant all undertake appointment, often annual reviews for patients with chronic diseases. These include COPD, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Patients will be sent reminders to make an appointment via text or letter.


All children are recommended to complete their full course of immunisations. Details are available at the surgery or from your Health Visitor. From October each year we recommend flu vaccinations for certain patients – those over 65, diabetics, asthmatics or people with chronic heart or chest conditions.

Travel Abroad

Travel vaccinations and health advice are recommended for travel abroad. These are now completed out with the practice, please see link to find out more information.

Additional Services

All GP practices are contracted to provide “essential services”, that is basic treatment of ill people. We also provide the following “additional services”

  • Child health surveillance, together with the Health Visiting team.
  • Contraceptive services. Specialist services such as IUCD insertion are available at the Family Planning Clinic.
  • Maternity Services in the antenatal and postnatal period, together with the midwives from the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
  • Routine immunisation of children which is done by our Health Visiting Team out with the practice.

Enhanced Services

In addition to “essential services” (basic treatment of ill people) and “additional services” we also provide these “enhanced services”.

  • Monitoring of patients on a range of drugs for arthritis and bowel problems.
  • A Methadone substitution programme for patients with drug abuse problems.
  • If you have not been seen at the surgery for three years (or one year for those over 75) you can request a check-up appointment if you wish.
  • Care of patients with cancer.
  • Additional services for patients aged 45 to 60 who may be at risk of heart disease.
  • Advice and support for carers.
  • Doing Well counselling service.
  • Community Link Worker